Finding Our Own Balance - May 14th Update

Every family has been tasked with finding a balanced approach to health and safety over the past month and a half. While the government has provided guidelines and rules to protect the the community at large, it’s been up to each household to figure out which risk level, safety measures and structure feel right for them. The Chartier family is no different. 

With this in mind, as the Alberta government gradually embarks on its economic relaunch, we’ve decided to keep our dining room closed for the time being. 

While we are relieved that the number of COVID cases has not hit the initial forecasts, and hopeful that these decreased numbers are the signal that our economy can begin to reopen and rebuild, we will be continuing with our curb side and delivery model, keeping our dining room closed to the public until further notice. 

The health and safety of our team and our guests remains our top priority. For us, the risks associated with opening our doors outweigh the benefits of welcoming you back. As much as it pains us to hold off on seeing your smiling faces in one of our mismatched chairs, or waiting excitedly on Rosie for your table to be ready, we feel this is the right decision for our family.  

Our guiding philosophy has always been to create a comfortable environment where our guests can relax, unwind, surrender to  moment and create new memories connected to incredible food and drink. Like so many businesses, we’ve worked hard to be nimble. But there some things we can’t sacrifice, and we know that under these protective measures, we can’t offer you the warm welcome home that defines us, and that you deserve.  

Instead, we’re hoping you’ll continue to welcome us into your homes—as so many of you have these past six weeks—including us in your celebrations, your Sunday suppers, and your lunchtime picnics. We are eternally grateful for our unwavering show of support. You have kept us sane, busy, and purposeful.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. 

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