Crisis Prices

Inflation. Supply chain issues. Staffing shortages. War. Fuel surcharges. Climate change impacts. COVID. All the issues that have been front and centre in the news in recent weeks/months/years are coming to bear on our Chartier family. We’ve exhausted every avenue to try to minimize the impact to our business and to you, our valued customers. But we can no longer keep this perfect storm at bay.

It’s with a heavy heart that we roll out our Crisis Prices, effective Wednesday, August 3.

Since inception, the goal of Chartier is to create unforgettable memories centered around locally sourced, French Canadian comfort food. In return, we’ve asked you to invest your hard-earned dollars to help sustain our farmers, producers, staff, and our business, always with fair market value as our guide.

Over the past year, the cost of our ingredients has skyrocketed, rising between 25% and 60% making it almost impossible to survive in the hospitality industry.

The cost of these goods continues to increase, while the quality and yield remains the same, at best. Canola oil that once cost $18 has been as high as $80; and it cooks the same amount of fries. It tastes the same, and there's no heightened experience for our diner from using this suddenly "premium" ingredient.

The pricing you see on our menu isn't reflective of what we want to charge you, or what we even think is fair to charge—it’s the price that the market demands in order for us to keep our doors open and keep our team working.

As the world calms down, and costs even out, we hope—and plan—to return to regular pricing; but until then, please know that we’ve kept these increases to absolute bare minimum necessary to remain viable.

Crisis Prices will be evaluated monthly to see if there’s anything we can do to reduce the burden to you, as our guests, and bring back a more value balanced experience. Stick with us, please. We’re doing the best that we can.


Sylvia, Darren, Chef Tamara, Crystal and the Chartier Family