The Numbers That Define Our Success


The holidays can be a numbers game. 

Number of presents under the tree, the number of houses you visit on Christmas day. The number of dishes you have to prepare for the number of parties you need to attend. The number of outfits to buy for the number of parties you’ve been invited to.  

In the hospitality industry, the numbers continue into projections, sales goals, guest counts, turn times, gift cards in, gift cards out, bill times.

This year is different. Our success and enjoyment hasn’t been defined by, or focused on these “numbers” - because if it was, it would be easy to feel like a failure. Like we’ve lost. 

Instead, we’ve decided to define our success, enjoyment, and gratitude by a different set of data. Here goes…..

  • 367 - handwritten notes that we mailed out to children (and parents) who trusted us with their Santa letters this year. 

  • 367 - times we cried from reading some of the beautiful, inspirational, heart breaking and heart warming words that kids wrote to Santa. Little ones who miss their friends, their grandparents, their dad who won’t be home for Christmas. Kids who are anxious about the pandemic, who needed reassurance that Santa would still come - and that this lockdown will end some day soon. Kids who are grateful that their family is healthy, kids that are grateful to have their first Christmas with their new family, kids who ask for gifts for friends instead of gifts for themselves. Each letter was an envelope full of perspective, and they changed the way we look at this time of year. 

  • 48 - incredible employees that we managed to keep working during the recent lockdown, avoiding all lay offs during this second wave. They are the backbone to everything we do, and employing them is one of the greatest gifts we’ve ever received. 

  • 23 - small, local, artists, farmers, and producers that we were able to feature in our retail section and on our menu. Thanks to our guests, their products flew off the shelves and we had a hard time keeping up with the overwhelming demand from those who chose to shop local this year. 

  • 248- litres of hot chocolate that were handed out to guests who stopped by to shop, residents that were out for a stroll, and kids who were keeping their minds off things at the toboggan hill. 

  • 7 - the number of families that we were able to surprise with items donated from our restaurant and contributions from other Chartier guests who wanted to help bring joy to those who needed a boost. Special thanks to Jana at MD Spa, Les and Stacey from Belvan Construction, The entire Prairie Farm Project team, and Cathy de Kock Gordon and her husband Aaron for helping us with this project. 

  • 200 - the number of cookies our Chartier family members baked and decorated for front line healthcare workers as a token of appreciation for their hard work over the past year (and beyond). 

None of these numbers would have been possible if it wasn’t for the generosity, kindness, and support from our community of guests. 

We encourage each of you to dig past the normal digits to find a count that brings you joy and peace during our weird, messed up, 2020 holidays. Joy and pain can co-exist at the same time. So can sadness and happiness. As you mourn what isn’t - make time and space to celebrate and enjoy what is.

Sending so much love and light to all of you over the holidays, thank you thank you thank you thank you for a magical season. 

Much Love, 

Sylvia, Darren, Rowan, Chef Tamara and the Entire Chartier Family