We Are Closed For Now (But Not Forever)


As COVID-19 case counts reach new heights across the province, our Chartier family has taken a hit this week. 

We have a second confirmed case on our team, and many others now identified as close contacts through school, extra curricular activities, and home life who are isolating while they await test results. 

Like so many Albertans, the side effects of increased COVID-19 numbers are coming at us from all angles. 

And so, it is with heavy hearts that we've made the tough decision to voluntarily close our doors until our team has had a chance to recover, and we feel it’s safe to welcome you back.

We’re so grateful for our incredible guests, farmers, producers, and teammates who have supported our COVID health and safety strategy over the past 14 months. 

Decisions like this one feel painful, scary, and emotional - but are instrumental in ensuring we all make it to the other side of this pandemic. We're taking the steps we can to keep people safe and healthy -- and we hope all of you are too. This joint effort is more important now than ever.

We'll be back as soon as we can, but in the meantime we’re going to rest. 

Stay safe, stay well, and we’ll see you soon.

Much Love,

The Chartier Family