We had the pleasure of chatting with CBC Radio host Stacey Brotzel today, as she stopped by Beaumont on her quest for the best Alberta condiments.
If you’ve ever been to Chartier before, you’ve likely tried our rhubarb relish. Contrary to what the name suggests, this has zero similarities to the neon green relish you’re used to piling on stadium dogs. This relish is almost like a “prairie ketchup” with the star ingredients being rhubarb, onions, brown sugar and vinegar.
It goes great with any and all red meat (especially game), and is life changing on tourtiere.
As promised on the segment (click here to listen if you missed it on Monday’s show), here is the recipe if you’re keen to try and have a stockpile of rhubarb in your freezer. If not, swing by Chartier and pick up a jar that’s ready to rumble ;)
Rhubarb Relish Recipe
-Gifted to us by Debbie Forster, and tweaked to perfection by Chef Tamara Solon
1. Place all ingredients in a large non-reactive pot
2. Bring to a simmer over medium-low heat
3. Maintain a simmer until raisins and onions are very soft and rhubarb is falling apart, stir often to avoid scorching
4. Working in batches (or using an immersion blender) blend until smooth
5. Cool and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks (or can for longer preservation at room temperature).