Cask Night

Chartier Cask Night Ft. Cabin Brewing Company

Chartier Cask Night Ft. Cabin Brewing Company

Join us on Thursday, February 9th as we welcome Cabin Brewing Company to Chartier for the very first time!

Cabin's beer is designed to be fresh, flavourful, complex and hop-centric. Their general approach is to take the best of classic styles and elevate them through craftsmanship and an uninhibited drive for innovation into something that is one-of-a-kind.

We're tapping their 3.8% ABV Simple Pleasures English Dark Mild cask infused with cloves and a touch of star anise at 5pm, and serving until it's gone (so come early!)

Reservations suggested, but walk-ins are always welcome! Hope we see you on February 9th!